Since EPCOT Center remains the favorite WDW Park of all three Institute know-it-alls, I decided one more look would be appropriate (and who knows, maybe a few more as I root around in the Institute’s database). The Sensor Maze was always one of my favorite visits (in my favorite Pavilion … at my favorite park); the pure magic and whimsy that it instills within a person is wondrous … I know this first hand, as my oldest son experienced it when he was just a wee two and three (and then the evil Eisner dragon ripped it out! No magic here, as the good dragon–you know, the purple one–was not around to save the maze). The delight in my son’s eye to this parent was worth the price of admission. And so, I thought I’d actually share a photo that I TOOK for a change (rather than all these collections we have at DHI, of other people’s photographs). I remember this Rainbow Corridor fondly and I miss it dearly. More than that, I remember the glee on my child’s face, which after all, that is what Walt wanted! So, thanks Walt … and Happy 30th Epcot!

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