Obviously I’ve had in interest in Walt Disney for years. If, through the folding of time, I could spend one day with Walt, where would it be? The Studio? WED? His house on Carolwood Drive? No, I’d pick the Gulfstream. This photo here–as I was told by Bill Martin–captures a trip home from New York. On the plane, there was scotch, no doubt, probably a few tins of beer as well. A few times in my life I’ve been lucky enough to travel on a plane like this. A Gulfstream has a democratizing effect on its passengers: a single, small cabin, a bar, and a few seats. There is room enough for, maybe, twelve or thirteen people. If there are status differences between passengers on the ground–a CEO and a writer, let’s say–those difference soon fade away once the bird pushes above the cirrus The flight from New York to LA in the 1960s lasted an entire day. After the first half hour of flight, I suspect that Walt was no longer the “uncle,” the director, or even the master planner. He was likely a man with some dreams, some memories and some stories to tell. That, in my opinion, would be the ideal day to spend with Walt.

-Todd J. Pierce

Pictured in the foreground are Walt Disney, Bill Martin, and Herb Ryman. Seated in the background (left) we suspect is Lillian Disney, though the other woman (right) neither Paul nor I can identify. The photo is likely from 1963 or 1964.

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